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By checking the ethos & footprint of your brand

By checking the ethos
& footprint of your brand


Tired of being greenwashed?

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Why bop?

We score personal care brands
on their ethos & footprint for you to
make informed purchases.


Discover brands that formulate
without carcinogens.


Discover brands that formulate
kinder & ethical.


Discover brands that are
honest & transparent.

Why bop?

We score personal care brands on their ethos & footprint for you to make informed purchases.


No toxins


Kinder &


Honest &

How to bop


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zoobop has partnered with one planet Network (as arm of the United Nations) to promote UNSDG 12: Responsible Consumption & Production

zoobop has partnered with one planet Network (as arm of the United Nations) to promote UNSDG 12: Responsible Consumption & Production

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Our partnerships & collaborations

zoobop aims to partner and collaborate with all major stakeholders in sustainable consumerism vis a vis personal care, cosmetics, beauty and household products. The idea is to create one platform as a global resource for users to conveniently check and find better alternatives.

Further, we want to make brands think about formulating better, safer, cleaner products as more customers will demand this.

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