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100% clean, green cruelty free
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This brand is clean, green, ethical and safe. zoobop 's their Bamboo Toothbrushes with Soft Bristles
V. good
Clean formula
Green policy
Cruelty free
synthetic free
naturally derived
organic certified
Ingredients used in products are safe and non toxic to humans. Please tap the icons for more details under each criteria to understand more.
Hazard index: according to global standards.
Please tap the ingredients to know more
potential human toxins.
moderate human toxins.
low or no human toxins
Their toothbrush handle is made with bamboo, and their bristles are BPA free nylon.
Their toothbrush handle is made with bamboo, and their bristles are BPA free nylon.Their Tongue Cleaner Made from 100% pure copper
earth safe
recycle material
Ingredients used in products are eco friendly and do not pollute the soil or water as grey waste. Brand's recycling policies are good and earth safe.
All ingredients are earth safe & do not pose a threat to soil, marine animals, and humans as waste or through sewage into water bodies.
Brand uses glass, tin, wood, copper and jute for products packaging.For toothbrush remove bristles with pliers and compost.
cruelty free
100% vegan
Brand is committed to being cruelty free. And has confirmed to zoobop that they do not sell their products where animal testing is mandatory as per law.
Brand claims to be committed to being cruelty free. With no animal testing at any stage of production or marketing.
Brand is vegan friendly.
Brand has transparent labelling. Complete ingredients used are mentioned on product label / their website.
Terra is not organic certified.
With any other brand
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This brand is clean, green, ethical and safe. zoobop 's their Marine Bio-Active Mouthrinse.
Very poor
Some ingredients used are questionable. zoobop suggests using verified clean, green, cruelty free alternatives which are good for you and the planet.
This brand is clean and safe. We have asked them for more information on their recycling policies and PCR content.
This brand is clean, green, and safe.
Brand is all Aces. zoobop 's their Concentrate Brightening serum for Dark Spots
This brand is not cruelty free. Many ingredients used are questionable. zoobop suggests using verified clean, green, cruelty free alternatives which are good for you and the planet.
Though brand is cruelty free, many ingredients used are questionable.
This brand is cruelty free. We hope some of the ingredients are replaced for greener alternatives.